Unlike Retirement Planning, which focuses primarily on you and your income needs during your retirement years, Legacy Planning focuses on what you intend to leave behind to those important people or causes in your life.
There are many different avenues you can take to help maximize the impact of your gifts depending on your goals and values. In many cases, it may be possible to transfer them tax-free!
Some reasons our clients choose to create a legacy plan include:
- Having a loved one with special needs for whom they want to provide.
- Not wanting to burden survivors with heavy decisions.
- Wanting to help ensure the money left is spent according to their wishes.
However, legacy planning is more than estate planning. It is a holistic approach that encompasses your needs in retirement, how the estate will be distributed after death, and the best methods of passing on your legacy.
With Poole Locke Associates helping you establish this legacy plan, you can rest easy knowing that you and your loved ones will have the best possible foundation, all without compromising the retirement lifestyle you deserve.
As always, client fees are customizable based on what path you decide to take. You are not tied in until you’re satisfied that the plan we provide suits your needs.